Rocklyn Clarke

Dec 112022

Adventures With Jesus – Part 2
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday December 11, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 6
Sermon Resources:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

Put yourself in the shoes of Peter, James, or John in our Mark 5 story. Based on a careful reading of the text:

  • Identify with the characters: John, Herod, Herodias, Herodias’ daughter, Herod’s guests, John’s disciples, Jesus. What does this story mean to each of them?
  • Herod’s marriage was immoral. How did John respond to it? How did Jesus respond to it?
  • Should Jesus be our model for how to respond to injustice? Discuss.
  • Jesus didn’t stop John from being executed.
    • Why?
    • How do you think he felt about this?
    • What will he do about it? (it’s ok to read ahead)
    • How do you feel about this?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • Choose a prayer partner from your life group if you don’t have one already.
  • Pray for someone you know who doesn’t follow Jesus.
  • Pray for any other prayer needs in your group.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Dec 042022

Adventures With Jesus – Part 1
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday December 4, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 6
Sermon Resources:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

Put yourself in the shoes of Peter, James, or John in our Mark 5 story. Based on a careful reading of the text:

  • What kind of risk can you take this week to enter the story of Jesus in his home town?
  • What skills do you need to be effective at making disciples? What will you do this week to begin developing these skills? How can we help?
  • What is your current home base or home network for ministry?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • Choose a prayer partner from your life group if you don’t have one already.
  • Pray for someone you know who doesn’t follow Jesus.
  • Pray for any other prayer needs in your group.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Nov 272022

Kingdom In Action – Part 4
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday November 27, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 5
Sermon Resources:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

Put yourself in the shoes of Peter, James, or John in our Mark 5 story. Based on a careful reading of the text:

  • What do you experience arriving on the shore with Jesus?
  • What do you experience as Jairus comes to Jesus?
  • What do you experience before, during, and after Jesus’ encounter with the woman?
  • What do you experience at before, during, and after the raising of Jairus’ daugher?
  • What do you experience after Jesus sends you out to do what he has been doing?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • Choose a prayer partner from your life group if you don’t have one already.
  • Pray for someone you know who doesn’t follow Jesus.
  • Pray for any other prayer needs in your group.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Nov 202022

Kingdom In Action – Part 3
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday November 20, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 5
Sermon Resources:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

Choose one of the characters. Read through the story carefully and take turns telling the group how you experience the events as your character. Give and receive feedback.

  • Characters in the story (in order of appearance):
    • Jesus
    • Jesus’ disciples
    • The crowd
    • Jairus
    • The Woman
    • Jairus’ visitors
    • Peter, James, and John
    • Mourners
    • Jairus and his wife
    • The 12 year old girl
  • What do you want?
  • What are you aware of? What are you not aware of?
  • How do your emotions change over the course of the story?
  • What is God saying to you through this story? Keep reflecting on it for this coming week.

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • Choose a prayer partner from your life group if you don’t have one already.
  • Pray for someone you know who doesn’t follow Jesus.
  • Pray for any other prayer needs in your group.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Nov 132022

Kingdom In Action – Part 2
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday November 13, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 5
Sermon Resources:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • Who is “harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd” today?
  • In what ways do you leave the “harassed and helpless” to professionals?
  • In what ways do you take responsibility for the “harassed and helpless”?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • Choose a prayer partner from your life group if you don’t have one already.
  • Pray for someone you know who doesn’t follow Jesus.
  • Pray for any other prayer needs in your group.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Nov 062022

Kingdom In Action – Part 1
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday November 6, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 5
Sermon Resources:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • Have you ever known anyone in a hopeless condition? Discuss.
  • Have you ever either experienced personally or witnessed the kind of dramatic transformation described in this passage? Discuss.
  • How often have you exercised authority over demonic forces? Discuss.

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • Choose a prayer partner from your life group if you don’t have one already.
  • Pray for someone you know who doesn’t follow Jesus.
  • Pray for any other prayer needs in your group.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Oct 312022

This year Life Church is pleased to join churches and other organizations in supporting Fathers’ Uplift!

Fathers’ UpLift

Fathers’ UpLift provides mental health counseling, coaching, advocacy, and resource support to assist fathers with overcoming barriers (racism, emotional, traumatic, and addiction-based barriers) that prevent them from remaining engaged in their children’s lives.

2022 Clothing, Toys, Basic Needs, and Food Drives

For the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas season, Fathers’ Uplift is conducting drives to provide fathers and their families with clothing, toys, basic needs, and food. You can download the information sheet for details on how to help. You can also view it below:

This is a 6-page information sheet. Use the toolbar at the bottom to move through the pages!

November & December 2022 Drive
Oct 302022

Picture the Kingdom – Part 9
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday October 30, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 4
Sermon Resources:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • How do you feel about developing relationships with unchurched people?
  • Do you tell unchurched people about Jesus and his resurrection? Discuss.
  • Have you ever led someone to follow Jesus or trained a new believer? Discuss.
  • Who helped you mature as a follower of Jesus. How did they help you?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • Choose a prayer partner from your life group if you don’t have one already.
  • Pray for someone you know who doesn’t follow Jesus.
  • Pray for any storms your life group members are experiencing.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Oct 232022

Picture the Kingdom – Part 8
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday October 23, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 4
Sermon Resources:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • Are you in the boat with Jesus? Are you in a storm? Discuss.
  • Do you usually tell the Lord how you really feel? Discuss.
  • Who helped you mature as a follower of Jesus. How did they help you?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • Choose a prayer partner from your life group if you don’t have one already.
  • Pray for someone you know who doesn’t follow Jesus.
  • Pray for any storms your life group members are experiencing.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Oct 162022

Picture the Kingdom – Part 7
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday October 16, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 4
Sermon Resources:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • Have you ever had the opportunity to watch someone make a decision to follow Jesus and then declare it publicly? Discuss.
  • Have you ever had a chance to speak a message to someone that resulted in him/her making a public decision to follow Jesus? Discuss.
  • Are there people in your life who need to follow Jesus? What message do you want to give them? Feel free to role play if you like.
  • What will you do this week to put yourself on a path to sharing the gospel more?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • Choose a prayer partner from your life group if you don’t have one already.
  • Take some time to pray for someone you know who doesn’t follow Jesus.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

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