Rocklyn Clarke

Mar 202022

Are You Bringing Good News Or Only Good Advice? – Part 3
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday March 20, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Acts 25:23 – 26:32
Sermon Resources:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

For each question, spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before opening up for people to respond.

    1. Reflect on the following passages:

‘Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of me and what I will show you.I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’
Acts 26:16-18 (NIV)

Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.  Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.  And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.  The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 
2 Corinthians 4:1-4 (NIV)

      • How do these passages relate to your experience of following Jesus?
      • How do these passages apply to your ministry today?
      • What other thoughts, questions, or people do these passage bring to mind for you?
  • Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):
    • Choose a partner to pray and work with this week.
    • Develop bullet points for the “Realizing You Need To Follow Christ” and “Deciding To Follow Christ” sections of your testimony. Share them with your life group members and save them as part of your total testimony writeup.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t!

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Mar 132022

Are You Bringing Good News Or Only Good Advice? – Part 2
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday March 13, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Acts 25:23 – 26:32
Sermon Resources:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

For each question, spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before opening up for people to respond.

    • Think about a time when you shared your testimony about becoming a follower of Christ. Was it easy or hard? Discuss.
    • Think about someone with whom you want to share your testimony. Do you expect it to be easy or hard? Discuss.
  • Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):
    • Choose a partner to pray and work with this week.
    • Develop bullet points for the “Life Before Christ” section of your testimony. Share them with your life group members and save them as part of your total testimony writeup.
    • If you have time, continue looking through our Life Group Goals (focus on the “Goals for right now”). Share your questions and ideas.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t!

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Mar 052022

Are You Bringing Good News Or Only Good Advice? – Part 1
Rocklyn Clarke Sr. – Sunday March 6, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Acts 25:23 – 26:32
Sermon Passages:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

For each question, spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before opening up for people to respond.

    • What do the non-Christians who know you actually think you believe? Have you ever asked them? Discuss.
    • Look through our Life Group Goals (focus on the “Goals for right now”). Share your questions and ideas.
  • Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):
    • Whom can you be good news to this coming week? Can someone from your life group partner with you in this?
    • Choose a partner from your life group to pray with and work with this week.
    • What are your group’s outreach plans? How can you work together as a team to develop friendships with new people?

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t!

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Feb 232022

Acts 25:1-22 – Stand Firm – Part 4
Eva Clarke – Sunday February 27, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Acts 25:1-22
Sermon Passages:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Before you begin looking at the questions, take 2 minutes for quiet reflection. You may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to you and anything that you feel the Lord is saying to you or to anyone else. How might you incorporate more reflection in your daily, weekly, and monthly routines?

After this exercise, begin looking at the questions. For each question, spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before opening up for people to respond.

    1. Discuss what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
    2. Do you consider yourself to be a follower of Jesus? Yes, no, or uncertain?
    3. Discuss ways that having more disciples of Christ would make the world a better place.
  • Witness
    • Pray for 1 or 2 people that you want to become followers of Jesus.
    • Pray for boldness to build your relationships with unchurched people and to talk about Jesus.
    • What are our outreach plans? How can we work together as a team to develop friendships with new people?
  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will we onboard the next visitor?

Default Material

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Life Groups

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t!

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Feb 202022

Acts 25:1-22 – Stand Firm – Part 3
Eva Clarke – Sunday February 20, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Acts 25:1-22
Sermon Passages:

Life Group Meeting

Before you begin looking at the questions, take 2 minutes for quiet reflection. You may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to you and anything that you feel the Lord is saying to you or to anyone else.

After this exercise, begin looking at the questions. For each question, spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before opening up for people to respond.

    • Discuss what it means to have faith in God.
    • Discuss the experience of trusting God in the midst of difficulty.
    • Discuss the experience of waiting for God to do something that you believe He wants to do in your life.
  • Witness
    • How is your life group doing? Who’s
    • Pray for 1 or 2 people that you want to become followers of Jesus.
    • Pray for boldness to build your relationships with unchurched people and to talk about Jesus.

Default Material

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Life Groups

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t!

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Feb 132022

Acts 25:1-22 – Stand Firm – Part 2
Eva Clarke – Sunday February 13, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides)

Series Passage: Acts 25:1-22
Sermon Passages:

Life Group Meeting

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t!

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

  • Welcome (5-10 minutes)
  • Worship (optional)
  • Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):
    • Why does it matter that Jesus is alive and not dead? Discuss.
    • Based on the passages we discussed, what kinds of injustice bother God?
    • What kinds of injustice bother the Church? What’s your impression and what’s the impression of the people you know?
  • Witness
    • Pray for 1 or 2 people that you want to become followers of Jesus.
    • Pray for boldness to build your relationships with unchurched people and to talk about Jesus.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Default Material

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Feb 062022

Acts 25:1-22 – Stand Firm – Part 1
Eva Clarke – Sunday February 6, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides)

Series Passage: Acts 25:1-22
Sermon Passages:

Life Group Meeting

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t!

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

  • Welcome (5-10 minutes)
  • Worship (optional)
  • Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):
    • What are some ways that we can keep our consciences clear before God and man? Discuss the impact of knowing the message of truth.  For example, discuss the impact of knowing each of the following. As believers:
      • We have the Holy Spirit
      • We’re rescued from the dominion of darkness
      • We’re brought into the kingdom of God’s Son
      • We have redemption, the forgiveness of sins
      • We have an inheritance that will never perish, spoil or fade
  • Witness
    • Pray for 1 or 2 people that you want to become followers of Jesus.
    • Pray for boldness to build your relationships with unchurched people and to talk about Jesus.

Think You’re Multitasking? Think Again : NPR

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Default Material

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Jan 302022

Acts 24 – Paul Before Kings – Part 5
Michael Dixon – Sunday January 30, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides)

Series Passage: Acts 24
Sermon Passages:

Life Group Meeting

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t!

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

  • Welcome (5-10 minutes)
  • Worship (optional)
  • Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):
    1. What are some examples of lessons students (someone you were trying to teach or show you something) have taught you?
    2. What is your take on Warrants? What about no Knock Warrants that contributed to the death of Breanna Taylor? Police have to get permission to do certain actions… Satan is under this system as well.
    3. Why is Spiritual Breathing so important- Confession, and Acceptance of God’s forgiveness, in Spiritual warfare?
    4. Today we are ending Acts 24 : Gratitude, Goals, & Grace, Leaving the 99, Owning the room-, Spiritual Warfare What lessons are you taking from it? Did you finish your Album cover?
  • Witness
    • Pray for 1 or 2 people that you want to become followers of Jesus.
    • Pray for boldness to build your relationships with unchurched people and to talk about Jesus.

Think You’re Multitasking? Think Again : NPR

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Default Material

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to me through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can  I apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Jan 222022

Acts 24 – Paul Before Kings – Part 4
Michael Dixon – Sunday January 23, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides) – will be available after 1/23/2022.

Series Passage: Acts 24
Sermon Passage: Acts 24 (Paul before Felix), Matthew 6:28-34 (Seek first God’s Kingdom)

Life Group Meeting

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t!

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

  • Welcome (5-10 minutes)
  • Worship (optional)
  • Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):
    1. What are some examples of urgent sounds, messages, etc. that get your attention?  Why?
    2. Can you think of a time when you had to give an urgent message?  How did it go?
    3. Jesus generally only went to places once in his years of ministry, so everyone of his messages/healing sessions, etc. were important and urgent.  How did he own the room, and minimize stress?
    4. From the 7 parts of owning the room, what sticks out to you?  What are you good at, what do you need work with? Go you get nervous in front of “important” people (Like Felix and Paul’s Kings)  How can you get over that, and treat everyone as Very important?
    5. How do we treat Christ’s return as soon, without being overbearing?
  • Witness
    • Pray for 1 or 2 people that you want to become followers of Jesus.
    • Pray for boldness to build your relationships with unchurched people and to talk about Jesus.

Think You’re Multitasking? Think Again : NPR

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Default Material

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to me through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can  I apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Jan 152022

Acts 24 – Paul Before Kings – Part 3
Michael Dixon – Sunday January 16, 2022
© 2022 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides)

Series Passage: Acts 24
Sermon Passage: Acts 24 (Paul before Felix), Matthew 6:28-34 (Seek first God’s Kingdom)

Life Group Meeting

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t!

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

  • Welcome (5-10 minutes)
  • Worship (optional)
  • Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):
    1. What is your current Mission no matter how big or small?  How are you fulfilling it?
    2. What Pollen (what God has given you to share to bless others) are you sharing with people around you?
    3. How are you meeting people where they are without compromising God’s Righteousness  (and ethics)?
    4. Also if you haven’t shared your album cover you can still do that: The entire assignment is available via this Google Classroom Link, but you can also access it here:
      1. Please fill out this Assignment Sheet.
      2. Have fun filling in your selections for an album cover that reflects your gratitude, grace, and goals: Album Cover Template
  • Witness
    • Pray for 1 or 2 people that you want to become followers of Jesus.
    • Pray for boldness to build your relationships with unchurched people and to talk about Jesus.

Think You’re Multitasking? Think Again : NPR

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Default Material

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to me through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can  I apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

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