Rocklyn Clarke

Jul 152023

What If? – Part 3
Michael Dixon – Sunday July 16, 2023
© 2023 Life Church Ministries, Inc.



Helpful Links:

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 12
Sermon Resources:

Current Material

Previous Material

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

July 2nd Mark 12 Week #1- What if?   Heart Check

  • What ways are we or others locked in a Cat tote with the Top removed?  Looking at the door but missing the freedom all around us?
  • What things hinder us from going to our teacher on office hours ?  How can pride get in the way?  How can we tear down our own pride and the pride of others so they choose to seek God on His terms?
  • Affirmation is Key to help people see themselves as they are and to look past the rules to be Free…  What Affirmations encourage you that you feel God shares with you regularly?  How can we affirm others God is calling for us to minister to?
  • What if?  You knew Jesus was returning in your lifetime (and judgement along with him, like in the days of Noah), what would you do differently?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • How is your group doing? Is anyone missing? Do they know you care?
  • What are you doing to make your life group safe, healthy, and effective?
  • Identify people you are in a position to reach for Jesus this week. Pray for them.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Jul 082023

What If? – Part 2
Michael Dixon – Sunday July 9, 2023
© 2023 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

How To Give

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 12
Sermon Resources:

Current Material

Previous Material

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

July 2nd Mark 12 Week #1- What if?   Heart Check

  • What are the things we Identify with?  If you were going to share on a Dating Site (going down the latter of Abstraction)  What are the top 4-7 things you would share about yourself?  (assume you were happily single)   Are those things on your list ever in conflict with each other?
  • Does the list change-  If the value of each identity was based on time and money you spend on the List from #1?
  • Can you think of a time when you were too hard on someone, or too easy on someone and it came back to hurt you?  Has that ever happened to you… someone was too hard or too soft?  What was the consequence?
  • People Sometime define themselves by their Dots (pain)- Like Absolom did and that led to Pain.  What would you have done Differently if you were Absolom?  If you were David?
  • Some folks are very liberal in their theology to make it easier to connect and have power in the world they live in- Like the Sadducees.  What are some ways Daniel connected with the leaders of the world without compromising his faith?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • How is your group doing? Is anyone missing? Do they know you care?
  • What are you doing to make your life group safe, healthy, and effective?
  • Identify people you are in a position to reach for Jesus this week. Pray for them.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Jul 022023

What If? – Part 1
Michael Dixon – Sunday July 2, 2023
© 2023 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

How To Give

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 12
Sermon Resources:

Current Material

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

July 2nd Mark 12 Week #1- What if?   Heart Check

  • What are the ____ we focus on that make us miss the joy of the Vineyard God has given us? 
  • Why are Praise and worship important parts of our following Jesus?
  • What Dots (things like keeping profits for one’s self rather than stewardship) do other people have that make them miss Jesus, and being a image bearer of God?
  • How can we help them see the restoration of  Jesus versus their Dots?
  • Why are God’s Justice and Judgement important?  How can we explain these to people in a way that draws them closer to God rather than further away?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • How is your group doing? Is anyone missing? Do they know you care?
  • What are you doing to make your life group safe, healthy, and effective?
  • Identify people you are in a position to reach for Jesus this week. Pray for them.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Jun 252023

Confronting Jerusalem – Part 4
Rocklyn Clarke – Sunday June 25, 2023
© 2023 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

How To Give

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 11
Sermon Resources:

Current Material

Previous Material

Jesus’ Agenda:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • Are you on the road with Jesus and his disciples? Who is with you?
  • How are your “temple courts”? Do outsiders connect to God through you?
  • When Jesus sees the leaves on our tree, does he also find fruit? Discuss.
  • Are you using your ears to hear? Are you using your eyes to see? Discuss.
  • Reflect on the gospel reading you’ve been doing. Would an outsider who read those chapters believe you were following Jesus?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • How is your group doing? Is anyone missing? Do they know you care?
  • What are you doing to make your life group safe, healthy, and effective?
  • Identify people you are in a position to reach for Jesus this week. Pray for them.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Jun 182023

Confronting Jerusalem – Part 3
Rocklyn Clarke – Sunday June 18, 2023
© 2023 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

How To Give

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 11
Sermon Resources:

Current Material

Previous Material

Jesus’ Agenda:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • Are you using your ears to hear? Are you using your eyes to see? Discuss.
  • Are you taking Jesus’ authority seriously? What has he commanded us to do?
  • Are you following Jesus in a publicly verifiable way? Are you answering this question “off the top of your head”, or by reflecting with others as you work your way through the gospels?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • How is your group doing? Is anyone missing? Do they know you care?
  • What are you doing to make your life group safe, healthy, and effective?
  • Identify people you are in a position to reach for Jesus this week. Pray for them.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Jun 112023

Confronting Jerusalem – Part 2
Rocklyn Clarke – Sunday June 11, 2023
© 2023 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

How To Give

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 11
Sermon Resources:

Current Material

Previous Material

Jesus’ Agenda:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • Do you follow Jesus in a publicly verifiable way? Can we depend on you to show up and stick around?
  • What shape are your temple courts in? Can outsiders connect to God through you? Do they?
  • Jesus was looking for fruit from the fig tree, but he found only leaves.
    • What examples of leaves, but no fruit, do you see in the modern church world? Discuss.
    • What examples of leaves, but no fruit, do you see in your own life? Discuss.
    • What are you going to do about this?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • How is your group doing? Is anyone missing? Do they know you care?
  • What are you doing to make your life group safe, healthy, and effective?
  • Identify people you are in a position to reach for Jesus this week. Pray for them.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

Jun 042023

Confronting Jerusalem – Part 1
Rocklyn Clarke – Sunday June 4, 2023
© 2023 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

How To Give

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 11
Sermon Resources:

Current Material

Previous Material

Jesus’ Agenda:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • Jesus had a group of disciples like an extended family on the road to Jerusalem with him.
    • Are you on the road with Jesus? Is anyone on the road with you or are you “going it alone”?
    • Are you with Jesus’ disciples or just in the crowd? Name the people on the road with you.
  • The crowd was celebrating what they expected Jesus to do. How did that work out for them?
    • Are there ways that you and people you know have been like this crowd? Discuss.
    • Jesus tried 3 times to prepare his disciples for what was going to happen to him. What has this week’s Gospel reading prepared you for?
  • Do you follow Jesus in a publicly verifiable way? Can we depend on you to show up and stick around?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • How is your group doing? Is anyone missing? Do they know you care?
  • What are you doing to make your life group safe, healthy, and effective?
  • Identify people you are in a position to reach for Jesus this week. Pray for them.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

May 282023

Your Faith Has Healed You
Rocklyn Clarke – Sunday May 28, 2023
© 2023 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

How To Give

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 10
Sermon Resources:

Current Material

Previous Material

Jesus’ Agenda:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • Describe a time when you experienced faith that God wanted to do something specific in your life.
  • Describe a time when you left something behind in order to pursue Jesus.
  • At times when God is moving, do you ask for what you really want? Discuss.
  • Do you follow Jesus in a publicly verifiable way? Can other followers depend on you to show up and stick around?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • How is your group doing? Is anyone missing? Do they know you care?
  • What are you doing to make your life group safe, healthy, and effective?
  • Identify people you are in a position to reach for Jesus this week. Pray for them.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

May 212023

Authority Through Service
Rocklyn Clarke – Sunday May 21, 2023
© 2023 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 10
Sermon Resources:

Current Material

Previous Material

Jesus’ Agenda:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • How did people think about authority in your past church affiliations?
  • Discuss ways in which you have sought authority over others – especially in church / ministry.
  • How does this passage affect your understanding about power and authority?
  • How can you put this passage into practice today, this week, this year?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • How is your group doing? Is anyone missing? Do they know you care?
  • What are you doing to make your life group safe, healthy, and effective?
  • Identify people you are in a position to reach for Jesus this week. Pray for them.

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

May 142023

The Rich and God’s Kingdom
Rocklyn Clarke – Sunday May 14, 2023
© 2023 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides for all sermons)

Series Passage: Mark 10
Sermon Resources:

Current Material

Previous Material

Jesus’ Agenda:

Life Group Meeting

Life group leaders – pace yourselves. Look over all of the meeting components and make sure you have time to cover all of them.

Welcome (5-10 minutes)

Worship (optional for Sunday breakout sessions)

Word – Discussion Questions (if there are no specific questions use the default questions):

Spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin each question.

  • How did people think about wealth in your past church affiliations?
  • Jesus loved him, but the young man went away sad.  What would you have done?
  • How does this passage affect your understanding about wealth?
  • God’s Kingdom includes: People (who follow Jesus) & Agenda (Jesus’ agenda).
    • How does your pursuit of wealth affect your pursuit of God’s Kingdom?
    • Are you seeking God’s Kingdom first?
  • How can you put this passage into practice today, this week, this year?

Witness (check out the Witness section resources below):

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

  • How is your group doing? Is anyone missing? Do they know you care?
  • What are you doing to make your life group safe, healthy, and effective?

Additional Life Group Meeting Components:

  • Reflection – Include a brief time (e.g. 2 minutes) for quiet reflection sometime during your meeting. Potential times for this are:
    • Just before reviewing the questions during the Word portion of the meeting.
    • Just before prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.
    • Just after prayer during the Witness portion of the meeting.

Immediately after this reflection time, members may want to write down any thoughts or impressions that come to them and anything that they feel the Lord is saying to them or to anyone else. Encourage the members to consider how they might incorporate more reflection in their daily, weekly, and monthly routines.

  • Life Group Housekeeping (do this once a month or more often if needed)
    • Be familiar with our life group goals.
    • Review our connection tools: e-Life & the life group email list
      • Does everyone know how to use them?
      • Is everyone’s information up to date?
      • Is everyone receiving email from the life group email list?
    • Is anyone not showing up for Sunday service or life group meetings? If so, who has been in touch with them?
    • How will the group onboard the next visitor?

Word Section Default Questions

(Use these when there are no specific discussion questions for the passage:

  • Question 1: “What is this passage saying?”
  • Question 2: “What is God saying to you through this passage?”
  • Question 3: “How can you apply this passage throughout the week?”

Taken from:

Witness Section Resources:

How we work together as a team to be “good news” to the people around us.

Life Groups

Life groups are the basic environment in which discipleship will take place. A life group is a group of 3 – 15 believers who come together weekly outside of the church building for evangelism, community, and spiritual growth with the goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t! Becoming part of a life group is a major way that we “seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness”.

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Five Thresholds

Because the Five Thresholds approach to relational evangelism helps us to pay careful attention to the people that the Lord brings our way, it is an excellent way to meet people “where they are”. We want to prayerfully help them move through each threshold and become followers of Jesus. At any given stage, we may be planting a seed or watering a seed that we or someone else has planted. At each stage, we should see ourselves, together with other believers, as a hospital for sick and wounded people.

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