Following Jesus: Focus On The Message – Matthew 11


Last Updated on January 1, 2025 by Rocklyn Clarke


Welcome to Focus On The Message – the first component of our Following Jesus discipleship program. This web page contains the lessons for:

Matthew 11


Follow this link for information about these key aspects of our training: Purpose, Goals, Habits, Ministries, and Assignments.

Matthew 11

This chapter has 3 lessons. You should ideally cover one chapter (with all of its lessons) in a week, but please don’t let a week go by without completing at least one lesson.

Lesson 1: Jesus and John the Baptizer (John the Baptist)

Main text and related passages:

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

  • Why is John unsure about Jesus?
  • How does John deal with ambiguity? How do we deal with ambiguity?
  • What signs does Jesus want John to pay attention to?
  • Why is the least person in the Kingdom of Heaven greater than John?
  • In Luke 4:14-21 Jesus quotes Isaiah 61:1-2 to declare that he has been anointed to proclaim good news to the poor. In this passage Jesus declares that the good news is being proclaimed to the poor and he offers this to John’s disciples as validation of his ministry. How are we doing at proclaiming the good news to the poor?

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

  • Read the main passage and related passages above.
  • Watch the Tim Mackie video.

Lesson 2: Woe on Unrepentant Cities

Main text and related passages:

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

  • What was Sodom’s problem?
  • What does this teach us about Jesus’ expectations in the stories we’ve read so far in which he performed miracles?
  • How do you respond to Jesus?

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

  • Read the main passage and related passages above.
  • Watch the Tim Mackie video.

Lesson 3: The Father Revealed in the Son, Rest for the Weary

Main text and related passages:

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

  • Jesus asserts here that we only know the Father through him.
  • What does this say about people who claim to know God through some path other than Jesus?
  • What’s unique about Jesus? How does he compare to the founders of all other religious systems?

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

  • Read the main passage and related passages above.

Last Updated on January 1, 2025 by Rocklyn Clarke

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