Following Jesus: Focus On The Message – Matthew 7


Last Updated on January 1, 2025 by Rocklyn Clarke


Welcome to Focus On The Message – the first component of our Following Jesus discipleship program. This web page contains the lessons for:

Matthew 7


Follow this link for information about these key aspects of our training: Purpose, Goals, Habits, Ministries, and Assignments.

Matthew 7

This chapter has 5 lessons. You should ideally cover one chapter (with all of its lessons) in a week, but please don’t let a week go by without completing at least one lesson.

Lesson 1: Judging Others

Main text and related passages:

  • Judging Others – Matthew 7:1-6
    • This isn’t the only passage in scripture that deals with judging.
    • The point is not that we should never judge, but rather that we shouldn’t judge hypocritically. We need to assume that our own eyesight may be impaired before trying to fix a problem with someone else.
    • Beyond judging, don’t give share precious truths with people who won’t value them or who can’t appreciate them.

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

  • Describe a time when someone else judged you.
  • Describe a time when you judged someone else.
  • Describe a recent situation you’ve encountered that calls for judgment.

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

  • Read the main passage and related passages above.

Lesson 2: Ask, Seek, Knock

Main text and related passages:

  • Ask, Seek, Knock – Matthew 7:7-12
    • God is a loving father who wants to provide generously for his children.
    • The context for this is the partnership into which God has called us.

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

  • The apostles were the initial recipients of this teaching by Jesus. Over the course of their subsequent lives (as recorded in the four Gospels and the Book of Acts), what kinds of things did they ask for? What did they seek? Where did they “knock”?

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

  • Read the main passage and related passages above.

Lesson 3: Narrow and Wide Gates

Main text and related passages:

  • Narrow and Wide Gates – Matthew 7:13-14
    • Following Jesus requires intentional effort. If we don’t make that effort, we will get carried along with the crowd.
    • Illustrations:
      • Heading south on MA-28 onto I-93 S in order to take MA 24S.
      • Heading onto I-93N from South Short Plaza in order to stay on I-93N.

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

  • Can you describe a situation in which you faced a choice between the narrow gate and the wide gate? Which one did you choose?

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

  • Read the main passage and related passages above.

Lesson 4: True and False Prophets, True and False Disciples

Main text and related passages:

  • True and False Prophets – Matthew 7:15-20
    • Shepherds wear sheep’s clothing. Wolves in sheep’s clothing are pretending to be shepherds, not sheep.
    • Give people time to show their fruit before you entrust them with responsibility.
    • The manifestation of supernatural gifts is NOT proof that Jesus actually knows you.
  • True and False Disciples – Matthew 7:21-23
    • Jesus IS Lord! We can’t just pay “lip service” to that great truth. We must actually treat him as Lord by doing what he says.
    • We can’t do what Jesus says if we don’t know what he says. That’s why we’re working our way through a gospel.
    • Supernatural manifestations are not proof of spiritual maturity. They are not even proof that we will make it into the Kingdom.

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

  • ?

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

  • Read the main passage and related passages above.

Lesson 5: The Wise and Foolish Builders

Main text and related passages:

  • The Wise and Foolish Builders – Matthew 7:24-29
    • This closing passage plays a key role in framing the Sermon on the Mount.
    • We must put Jesus’ words into practice. In the parable, both the house built on rock and the house built on sand face the same three challenges: rain, flood, and wind.
    • The house collapsing doesn’t necessarily mean death or ultimately going to hell. It is better to think of it as becoming useless for God’s purposes. Sooner or later, you and the people you disciple will face a crisis that has the potential to “take you out of the game” or make you disengage from the Kingdom. The only way to survive is if you have been putting Jesus’ words into practice.
    • Jesus’s words here refers very specifically to the Sermon on the Mount. Of course Jesus said more that just what is found here and we need to put all of his words into practice. In fact we need to put all of the Bible’s teaching (properly understood) into practice. The Sermon on the Mount however is the foundation. We need to start here!
    • You and your disciple need to develop a plan for regularly working through Matthew 5 – 7 to ensure that you make it part of your lifestyle. The isn’t a “lone ranger” operation. It needs to be done as part of a believing community.

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

  • ?

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

  • Read the main passage and related passages above.

Last Updated on January 1, 2025 by Rocklyn Clarke

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