Nov 282021

Last Updated on November 30, 2021 by Rocklyn Clarke

These are notes for our Sunday November 21, 2021 Sermon!

Be a Witness For Jesus: Tell Everyone What You’ve Seen and Heard – Part 4
Rocklyn Clarke – Sunday November 28, 2021
© 2021 Life Church Ministries, Inc.

Sermon Podcast Page (includes links to audio, handout, and slides) – will be available after sermon has been uploaded.

Series Passage: Acts 21:37-22:29
Sermon Passage: Acts 22:1-21

Life Group Meeting

Without life groups, we are at the mercy of cliques and people who aren’t in a clique will “fall through the cracks”. Furthermore, even the people who are in cliques will have some of their issues and needs “fall through the cracks”. This is because life groups are organized to please, and be led by the Holy Spirit, whereas cliques develop solely around whatever the people in the cliques find appealing. Life groups are organized to help you grow and overcome your “issues”; cliques simply aren’t!

Check out our Life Group Pages for more life group information and resources.

Embrace a Witnessing Community

Five Thresholds


Your Testimony

Discussion Questions

For each question, spend 1 – 2 minutes in silence before you begin to respond.

  1. Describe one of the following:
    • An experience when you led someone to follow Christ. Did they last?
    • How you feel about the prospect of leading someone to Christ.
  2. Practicing evangelism and discipleship will cause our life groups and congregation to grow. How do you feel about that?
  3. Paul shared his testimony in the midst of a stressful situation. What are the most difficult circumstances under which you have tried to talk to someone about Jesus?

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