

Last Updated on January 29, 2023 by Rocklyn Clarke

Marriage Resources

Past Married Couples Fellowships:

Saturday February 13, 2021 5pm – 8pm EST

Hi Everyone:

We celebrate your marriage! We appreciate all that was shared tonight about focusing on Self-Care for ourselves and our spouses, Increasing Intimacy and Setting Healthy Boundaries/Challenges/Expectations (including things we shared such as Rest, Time for Ourselves Individually, Embracing our Physical Limitations, Communication, Faithfulness) to Reduce Stress NOT increase stress in our marriages. I’m sharing the link to the short video we watched and have attached the “Reviewing Your Connection” worksheet I mentioned, for you and your spouse to complete and discuss:

Young Black Married Christian Podcast: The Healthy Marriage Matrix

(unfortunately, this link is behind a paywall, but we’re giving you the link in case you choose to subscribe)

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