Following Jesus: Focus On The Message – Matthew 16


Last Updated on June 3, 2022 by Rocklyn Clarke

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Welcome to Focus On The Message – the first component of our Following Jesus discipleship program. This web page contains the lessons for:

Matthew 16


Follow this link for information about these key aspects of our training: Purpose, Goals, Habits, Ministries, and Assignments.

Matthew 16

This chapter has 4 lessons. You should ideally cover one chapter (with all of its lessons) in a week, but please don’t let a week go by without completing at least one lesson.

Lesson 1: The Demand for a Sign

Main text and related passages:

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

    • Have you ever looked at Jonah this way before?
    • What sign does Jesus promise the Pharisees and teachers of the law? What role will they play in that sign?
    • Have you ever looked for a sign instead of paying attention to what God was already doing?

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

Lesson 2: The Yeast of the Pharisees and Saducees

Main text and related passages:

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

    • What was the problem with the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees?
    • What are some of the ways that you see hypocrisy in ministry today?
    • Are there ways in which you have dealt with hypocrisy personally? Discuss.

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

Lesson 3: Peter Declares That Jesus is the Messiah

Main text and related passages:

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

    • What did “Son of God” mean to the people of Jesus’ day? What does it mean to us now?
    • What does this teach us about how Jesus viewed himself and his mission? Is this passages compatible with the idea, popular in some circles, that Jesus was just a good teacher who didn’t want to be thought of in any other way?

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

Lesson 4: Jesus Predicts His death

Main text and related passages:

Checkout the following:

Topics to explore:

    • What does this teach us about how Jesus viewed himself and his mission? Is this passage compatible with the idea, popular in some circles, that Jesus was just a good teacher who didn’t want to be thought of in any other way?
    • Is Jesus predicting his resurrection? What did he mean by “rising again” or being “raised to life”?
    • What does “satan” mean. Why does Jesus refer to Peter that way? Why was this embarrassing episode kept in the scriptures?

Additional resources to check out:

Training assignment (do this yourself, and use it to help train someone else):

Last Updated on June 3, 2022 by Rocklyn Clarke

Resource Lists (for your convenience)

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